On Thursday morning, after spending the night in the casino parking lot, we were ready to sign a lease for the lot. We signed the lease and proceeded to get utilities set up and this is where it all fell apart. The lot has been without electricity for over a year and requires an inspection before service can be initiated. I will spare you all the details. I was a long day full of phone calls and frustration. However, we have decided to put the move on hold until March 17th. By the way, we are at my parents house, again.
This frustration has reinforced a thought that has been festering inside both my wife and I for a few months. We are itching to be free from so many things in this life. We feel so bound by life and constrained in various ways that we want to find a way to escape. The internet has proven a wonderful research tool in finding others with our thoughts. Others who have broken free and are just living life. Many of them have adopted a lifestyle of being on the road, traveling, nomadic. When? How? Where? These are all good questions…and that is what we have to figure out.
We feel like we waste so much in this life and we want to live better. I am not just referring to the waste of money on commercialized “stuff.” I am not just referring to the waste of time in hated jobs with too little compensation. I am not just referring to wasted ministry opportunities because someone is too busy to notice the wounded in arms reach. I am not just referring to wasted life waiting for the right time to live your dream. I am not just referring to wasted opportunities to teach my children to appreciate other perspectives on life. Slowly but surely, we are transitioning to this life. We will begin watching our possessions, time and energy. Here goes nothing!