Thursday, January 28, 2010

Support and Encouragement

I will try to pick up where I left off in telling our story when I have nothing else to offer.  So…

My wife’s continued story to our children:

Friday July 24th 2009 Burgers and Friends
We enjoyed grilling hamburgers and watching a show with our good friends. When I got there she had pulled up a trailer that she had been looking at on the internet. They were genuinely excited for us. It might not be something that everyone would do themselves, but the support has been refreshing.

Some weeks later, while compiling this story she wrote:

When I read this journal out loud to Daddy, I looked up and he was crying, he said “I soooo want to do this!”

Is this really where God is leading us? We will keep praying. I’ve prayed that if this is not God’s will, our house will not be able to be rented out, even at the lower rent.

And did we ever begin to pray.  We were very excited and looking forward to this life, but we still had the apprehension that any person may as they seek to embark on such a major paradigm shift.  We were moving from the comfortable, normal and predictable life of which we were accustomed and beginning a life very different from anything we or anyone in our immediate circle of influence had ever known.  We are now going to be very, very different and it will be on purpose.

Thankfully, though, we had support from our friends.  Not only was it the kind of support that said, “Sure, drive off that cliff.  I have always wondered what that would be like, so, go for it.”  It was genuine excitement of people who would love to do what we were going to do, but lacked the motivation, courage or even true desire to make this leap.  Nevertheless, we could feel the warmth of their prayers and encouragement.

So, here goes nothing!

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys and are so proud of you for making your dream a reality!
