Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where are we going to live?

My wife’s account of our continued pursuit:

Monday July 20th, 2009 Campgrounds
Before Daddy’s softball game we had extra time. We drove to a campground right off the freeway, in the mountains. It was beautiful and the cost is $375 a month to stay there. By the way, this is what we pay monthly in utilities! However, it is “out of town.” We looked at KOA it costs $575 a month, ugly, but conveniently located. The campground actually has a swimming pool, hot tub, mini golf, recreation area, and a place for you to ride your bikes.

…and boy were we excited!  We still had nothing to live in, but we were seeing the places we were going to live.  It was awkward going into the offices and asking what the monthly rates were.  The awkwardness came not so much because of our potential lifestyle, but because we did not yet have a trailer.  “So, what size rig do you have?” asked the manager at one campground.  My response was less than confident, “Well…um…I think it will…is probably going to be…oh maybe…28 or 30 feet.  I haven’t yet decided.”  Decided?  I had not even seriously looked for one yet, but the search continued.

As I mentioned previously, our dream was to live in a van down by the river.  Well, there is a river here and there is a campground one-hundred yards from it, so I thought I would take a look.  The campground is nestled in a beautiful neighborhood of homes far outside of my budget, and looks quite out of place.  I thought about trying to get some information regarding the place, but decided I would forgo such an endeavor.  As I drove by, repeatedly, silently stalking the place, it began to feel strange.  It was very lived-in and began to feel as though it had the attractiveness of meth and child porn.  It may be perfectly safe, but not for my family!

So it was settled, we would live in a nice campground in the city with all the amenities of a vacation.  Therefore, our motto: It’s like we are on vacation everyday!

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